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Congratulations to all of our league champions since Summer 2023 🏆

Fall 2024
Monday O30 Xtra-Large
Over 30 Mohica
Sort-of-Athletico RD
Monday O30 Xtra-Medium
Ryan Reynolds BOT
Kicky Time
Tuesday Xtra-Large
Name Takers FC
Tuesday Xtra-Medium
Esquipulas FC
Knees Don't Work FC
Wednesday O30
Apex Wolves
Occasional Mutiny
Thursday O40
Over 40 Mohica
Manchest-hair United
Summer 2 2024
Monday O30 Xtra-Large
Sort-of-Athletico RD
Monday O30 Xtra-Medium
Too Old To Score
Yard Pimps
Tuesday Open
Wednesday O30
Apex Wolves
Occasional Mutiny
Thursday O40
Over 40 Mohica
SUMMER 1 2024
Monday O30 Xtra-Large
Sort-Of-Athletico RD
Over 30 Mohica
Monday O30 Xtra-Medium
Ryan Reynolds Buy Our Team
Never Too Old to Score
Tuesday Xtra-Large
Name Takers FC
Road Sodas
Tuesday Xtra-Medium
Purple Nurple
MetLife FC
Wednesday Open
Nap Boule
JT to Drop 60
Thursday O40
Over 40 Mohica
Goal Diggers
Monday O30 Xtra-Large
Sort-of-Athletico RD
Mohica O30
Monday O30 Xtra-Medium
XL Union
Kicky Time
Tuesday Xtra-Large
Name Takers FC
Road Sodas
Tuesday Xtra-Medium
Wednesday Open
Nut Buttons
Thursday O40
Over 40 Mohica
WINTER 2 2024
Monday O30 Xtra-Large
Sort-of-Athletico RD
Over 30 Mohica
Monday O30 Xtra-Medium
Revolution FC
Tuesday Xtra-Large
Name Takers FC
Road Sodas
Tuesday Xtra-Medium
Freeway Kickers
Wednesday Xtra-Large
La Misilera Carolina Del Norte
Wednesday Xtra-Medium
Apex Wolves
United FC
Thursday O40
Over 40 Mohica
WINTER 1 2023
Monday O30
Over 30 Mohica
Sort-of-Athletico RD
Tuesday Open
Name Takers FC
Road Sodas
Wednesday Open
Non-Binary Furry Phenoms of Kazakstan
Thursday O40
Over 40 Mohica
Union Pride
FALL 2023
Monday O30
Over 30 Mohica
Sort-of-Athletico RD
Tuesday Open
Name Takers FC
Road Sodas
Wednesday Open
Mesopotamia Mania
Thursday O40
Over 40 Mohica
SUMMER 2 2023
Monday O30
Over 30 Mohica
Sort-of-Athletico RD
Tuesday Open
Road Sodas
Purple Nurple
Wednesday Open
Nut Buttons
Thursday O40
Over 40 Mohica
SUMMER 1 2023
Monday O30
Road Sodas
Sort-of-Athletico RD
Tuesday Open
Occasional Mutiny
Name Takers FC
Wednesday Open
Thursday O40
Over 40 Mohica
Union Pride

🌟Most Championships

7 - Over 40 Mohica

6 - Name Takers FC

4 - Sort-of-Athletico RD

4 - Over 30 Mohica

3 - Mohica

2 - Road Sodas

2 - Apex Wolves

💫 Back-to-Back Championships

(minimum 2, longest streak listed)

5 - Name Takers FC

4 - Sort-of-Athletico RD

4 - Over 40 Mohica

3 - Over 30 Mohica

2 - Road Sodas

2 - Apex Wolves

mohica (3).png
Apex Wolves.png
How to join a team

1. Register as an individual

Click on view for your respective league then find the individual registration option. Private teams will only allow you to request to join while the individual registration will have a registration button for you to register on the spot. All individual registrations will be placed on a house team together.


2. Attend our next free agent night

Join our next free agent night on Tuesday, August 15thfrom 7pm-9pm for free pick-up soccer! Have a beer, score some goals, and meet other free agents, team managers, and team representatives. We love it when free agents put together their own teams or are recruited to one of our established teams. 

3. Start your own team

You only need 8-12 players to put together a team. Click to view your respective league then be sure to select team manager or coach to register your team. If you do not have at least 8 players I recommend attending free agent night and playing on the house team until you can recruit at least 8 players. 

How to create a team

Register as a team manager or coach

  1. Click on view for your respective league then select the team manager or coach option.

  2. Once selected you will be prompted to log in - log in or register an account.

  3. Now you can enter your team details. Finally, select your team's desired level of play and affirm you understand our two statements to create your team and make a payment.

Managing your team

Inviting players

  1. When you are logged in click on your team under my enrollments near the bottom of your dashboard

  2. Under team details, you will find a blue invite button

  3. Now you can enter your teammate's emails and a message to invite them to your team

Managing team payments

Team fees are due in full by week 3

  1. When you are logged in click on your team under my enrollments near the bottom of your dashboard

  2. When you scroll to your team's roster you can enter assigned amounts for each of your teammates to pay

  3. Alternatively you can scroll to the bottom and evenly split payments amongst all of the players on your roster

Recruiting players
  • Join our free agent night

Join our next free agent night on Tuesday, October 15th from 7pm-9pm for free pick-up soccer! Have a beer, score some goals, and meet other free agents, team managers, and team representatives. We love it when free agents put together their own teams or are recruited to one of our established teams. 

  • Ask friends and co-workers

Ask friends and co-workers to play, or if they know any interested soccer players! Word of mouth is still one of the most reliable ways to recruit new players. Have your players mention to their co-workers that they're looking for another team player, or post to social media for interest from friends. Most teams find at least 2-3 new players this way every season.


  • Post on Nextdoor

Recruit players on Nextdoor, a free private social network that connects you with people in neighboring Apex communities based on your home address. It's quick to sign up for, and each post here will reach anywhere from 2,000 to 20,000 people in your nearby neighborhoods. We know Captains who've used Nextdoor to recruit enough players over the course of a week to form a whole team, from just one post!


Here's how to find players:

Sign up at
Create a new post asking for interested soccer players to join your team
Use a team photo or photo from your league's details page to help attract attention
Make sure to link to your specific league (e.g. Tuesday Coed Soccer League), so people can find out more info first

Here's an example of a post I found an Atlanta based adult soccer team used on Nextdoor to help build a team:

  • Email the Soccer Director

If all else fails email the Soccer Director,, to see if he knows of any players that are available to play more games

Wall of Fame
Free Agents Guide
Team Mangers Guide
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